Features in ta11y


All interactive elements are handled with AlpineJS. AlpineJS is a lightweight alternative to VueJS.

This gives you a double-whammy advantage. First of all you get to enjoy the speed of building your page with a lightweight framework such as Alpine.js. But it also means that you will easily be able to rewrite and replace AlpineJS with VueJS if you need to later on in your project.

Visit the docs for AlpineJS

TailwindCSS 3.3.2

Ta11y is setup to use TailwindCSS 3.x.x and ready with Typography and Forms plugin out of the box. This means you get to use TailwindCSS for styling your website with everything handled, purged and optimized for a fast user experience.

Visit the docs for TailwindCSS

11ty 2.0.1

This project runs wild on 11ty 2.0. Enjoy.

Visit the docs for 11ty

Versatile templating options

Use Nunjucks or Markdown interchangeably.

Ready to boost your visibility in search engines (SEO)

  • YAML-structure to boost metadata is enabled
  • Preconfigured robots.txt
  • Preconfigured sitemap.xml